Oh what's that? There wasnt a mix up you say?? It seems like every time I meet a new female on the internet, they are the greatest thing since sliced bread. They are funny, endearing, and they can hold a conversation without saying anything completely retarded. And then, we get to the in-person date; the crucible, if you will. Suddenly the amazing person you met online is but a mere husk of a person. Was her brain erased before she made it out to the restaurant ? Did she tragically lose her sense of humor in an accident? It seems like when the date finally begins, she expects me to do all the work and be funny, and take the helm of the conversation. It just feels like one is on a date with a completely new person; I understand that there is the initial tension of meeting someone face to face for the first time, but after twenty minutes of a girl sitting quietly making me put in all the effort....I can only care so much to keep the effort going. Dates need to be on an equal ground, where both parties can be comfortable and able to converse with each other uninterrupted by third parties. I guess dating, and especially internet dating is like a war; every date is a new battleground with a new enemy, and the whole time you're trying to push forward to get in their foxhole. But sometimes you just have to ask yourself: can there be a treaty, or is it just time to drop the big one? War is hell. But I'd rather get shot in the leg than go on one more boring ass date.
-CupCake Bandit
"It's hot, the butter in my pocket is melting!"
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