So. I'm not gonna lie to you guys. I'm putting it out there. I have been pretty down after getting jilted by 5-0. In fact, if i really think about it, i get pretty sad. But moving on. Since feeling this way for the last.. week or so I decided to pull out a book my boss gifted me recently. It had been sitting with a pile of magazines for about 2 months and last night i decided.. why not.
So I opened up 'Be Your Own Matchmaker' by Patti Stanger with nothing more than hopes it would bring me a couple good laughs. However after reading 1/2 way into the first chapter i realized. Hey, this is all true, and maybe what i need right now. Make fun if you will. But Patti's step one of 'dating detox' seemed like exactly what i needed after 5-0 was added to the dusher mcgee list of guys i've come across.
So get this. I'm reading the book about how i need to take 1-3 months off from dating. Patti says the length of time off depends on how long your last relationship was. For me, I only needed 30 days. So im reading and thinking..YES! This is just what i need!
Now we all know the saying "when it rains it pours" and "someone will come along when you stop looking" Well I agree with this but I hadn't realized how quickly the universe makes this happen. Karma... I swear!
Literally, I'm reading the book and I get a text from this fire guy I haven't heard from in months..maybe longer! Yup.. he wanted me to come visit him at the station...and guess what? I did! Nothing happened. I can tell this guy is still in his hit em and quit em stage. But who knows.. hes fun, cute, and wears a uniform.
There's more. Now just when i decided I'm going to ignore my match.com and follow Patti's dating detox instructions... 2 guys...TWO, start chatting me up! One of them we had sent a couple emails back and forth. And he is a little old for me. But he's attractive, successful.. why not. We'll call him Tennis Pro for now. The other one, who has and will always be dubbed, Jersey, self explanatory... was quite a delight. We chatted for a bit, our dry sense of humor seemed to play off of each other and we may meet up at the beach on Sunday.
I tell you.. this always happens... i would stay in dating detox, but quite frankly Patti, I need to get my mind off of dusher mcgee.
Bring it on!!!
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