Call a man out on something and he goes running! I dont know where LA guys, or guys in general get off thinking that women are just going to keep their mouths shut and not speak up. Well I'm sorry (not really) but I am the kind of girl that says what she thinks.
Last week, post 'cell phone loss' Beefy was still texting me but something seemed different. He just didnt seem as enthusiastic. And when he would text me, he never tried to make plans to see me. Well this is what I say: If hes not asking you out, hes not that into you. You may have heard something similar at a recent movie.
So anyway, I was getting rather annoyed that he was keeping me on the side. No doubt waiting to see if something else worked out. So being that I had nothing to lose since I never met the guy... I called him out on that shit!!
I sent him a friendly but to the point text asking if we were ever going to meet because I'm not a sideline gal, I like to get in the game. And guess what...NO RESPONSE!
I have to tell you I wasnt that shocked. I mean really. Guys are so predictable these days.
On that note, I have no new men right now and I'd like to suggest some reading for those sad single gals out there that need to channel their inner single diva....
"How to Love Like a Hot Chick" by Jodi Lipper and Cerina Vincent

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