Here are some things I learned this year through dating:
- 1 date wont kill you (hopefully). At the very least you get a free meal, or more likely free drinks
- Do NOT have sake bombs on a first date, or drink anything excessively for that matter. You will regret it and feel embarrassed the next day.
- Agree if your good friend suggests a blind double date, but be prepared that they might not have the best judgement when it comes to picking out guys for you.
- What happens in Vegas ALWAYS needs to stay in Vegas, no exceptions
- Always keep a close eye on your drink on a first date. And let your roommate or friend know where you will be and when they should expect you home. In addition, it's always good to have a code word that will signal an emergency phone call from a friend to get you out.
- Even if your mom is dying to meet your new guy, hold off for a few months, don't want to scare them away.
- Always be honest and straightforward. You wouldnt want to be lead on by a guy who doesn't like you, so don't do it to them. Plus it's just good Karma.
- Men do not like being called out on their shit. But you should always do it. If you don't, you will just be more pissed off when it ends.
- If the only time you spend with him is in the bedroom, its not a real relationship. He just wants to bone you and if he was really interested he would take you on an actual date. (Not speaking from personal experience but I have a friend who let this happen over and over and she wonders why she is single)
- If hes not calling you or trying to see you, hes just not that into you. Plain and simple, there are no ways around this, its the truth
- Online dating is very hot and cold. Be prepared to be underwhelmed if you are as picky as me. Although if you are curious, now is the best time to sign up! There are lots of promos and many people are looking for love at the beginning of the year after spending the holidays alone.
- There is such a thing as too many second chances. If it doesn't work, stop going back, he's not going to change, and neither are you
- Take it easy. You may think you have found the most amazing guy in the world, which could be true. But the unexpected could happen so keep cool and put yourself first. This is a hard one but I keep trying! Its tough not to get excited!
- Above all, please repeat the name of your date 10 times before you walk into the bar. There are few things as embarrassing as calling your date by the wrong name 10 minutes in.
This year ends much different than last for me. Finally I wont be working on New Years and a kiss at midnight looks quite promising! I hope all my devout readers out there have a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! Let's get ready for 2010!
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