I am just not a game player. Never have been. Well maybe back in my days of adolescence.
It so funny to listen to other girlfriends talk about their dating scenarios...
"The balls in his court," "don't make yourself too available, ""Who called who last?"
I mean really. Its so silly to me. Maybe I just don't have the energy to play games. But I think I just feel like.. whats the point? These stupid games we play with those we are dating just make for more stress and complication. I really hate it. I mean to me its like, if I want to call you, I will. If I want to see you on the weekend, I will! And if I want to spend the day alone, running errands, laundry, painting, yoga... then I will! Something is seriously wrong if you are constantly second guessing yourself. Go with the flow!
I think women who play these games are silly. And they sound ridiculous. Sadly, some of them are close friends. But i think if you step back and take a good look. The only one you are playing games with, is yourself.
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