Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Now there's a blast from the past...

First off, if you haven't seen Steel Magnolias, go to the nearest store where movies are sold or rented and buy it, or rent it. Then, reread the title and use the appropriate southern accent.

Everyone done that? Good, then I shall proceed to my point. So I was walking from one class to another, minding my own business, and I get a text, from Jimbo Jones. You don't know him, nor should you - it was THAT long ago. And here's the thing, we dated for a few months over the summer, but it wasn't serious. He was flaky as all hell-I stopped caring. For several months after it had tapered off, I would get a random text from him now and again, suggesting we hang out. It never happened, and, again, I didn't really care. But, Jimbo Jones had these moments when he would cease being a 25-year-old man and become an overly-dramatic, 13-year-old girl. The last time he touched base was as far back as December. He sent me a Facebook message, saying that he was going to my school for his MBA, and that he had stopped drinking. Uh... I didn't even know he had a drinking problem! That explains a lot...

So, today, he asked me to go catch up with him at dinner, on him. What the...? How do you go six months not talking to someone, at all, and then ask them out, via text? Especially since we weren't all that serious to begin with. My friend says I must just have the mojo.

O, so I said ya, but just as friends. We'll see what he thinks about that ish.

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